Uganda Kampala
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11 days Birds, Gorillas, Wildlife and scenery community safari!

Come to discover Uganda's birding paradise! During this birding safari birding is done through visiting the IBA's, with a specialized birding guide. Look for top ticks like the Great shoebill stork, African green broadbill, Papyrus gonolek, Nkulengu rail, Puvel's illadopsis, Handsome francolin, Dusky crimsonwing, African finfoot, Standard winged night jar and short tailed warbler. Combined with birding is classic safari, chimpanzee and gorilla trekking

Below are details of the trip - 1 - 11 Days

Day 1: - Arrival to Uganda, Entebbe international airport by ----- Hours

Arrival at Entebbe Airport we meet our tour guide and transfer to our Hotel for an overnight at Lake Victoria view guesthouse… If you arrive early, we could have a birding session in Entebbe botanical garden for the Orange weaver, golden backed weaver and other master builders of the Ploceidae family, superb sunbird, green hylia, bat hawk. And several garden birds exploiting this transitional habitat – overnight at Papyrus guesthouse

(Time allowing we can bird Entebbe botanical garden for the Orange weaver, golden backed weaver and other master builders of the Ploceidae family, superb sunbird, green hylia, bat hawk. And several garden birds exploiting this transitional habitat)

Day 2: Great Shoebill stork tracking and transfer to Lake Mburo National Park

We have an early transfer between 7am – 8:30 am, after breakfast transfer by ferry to the IBA wetland swamp of Mabamba en route to Lake Mburo, the ‘Zebra magnet’. The highlight at Mabamba Swamp is a search for the prehistoric looking Great shoebill stork. Here we also find some aquatic birds and marsh Harriers, if time allow search for the beautiful painted Pygmy goose. We then stop over and take photo poses at the equator. Continuing on we reach Lake Mburo and drive out to the vast savannah dotted with acacia and shrubs, as we game drive in for view of Zebras, Topis, Warthogs, cape buffaloes and impalas. In the afternoon it is time for a boat-cruise on the lake where the must see is the African finfoot. As well as this we see native birds along the banks, Crocodiles, Hippos yawning and more birds during this 2 hours cruise... Overnight in Rwakobo rock

Day 3: - Early morning guided walking safari with game birding,

get up early focusing on the Rwizi track / acacia track/ equivalent it’s a dense population of some rare birds here, Red headed weavers, cuckoo shrikes, Crested barbet, red faced barbet, Tabora cisticola, some of our newest members on the Ugandan list here if lucky my favourite francolin could be seen etc. , Transfer to Kibale area via Kamwenge for the Birds of Kibale area. More in the forest canopy colored aviation creatures-butterflies various bird species like the native Great blue Turaco,. Overnight at Isunga Lodge

Day 4: - Green Breasted Pitta & Chimpanzee Trekking.

Start with Green Breasted pitta before going for Chimpanzee trekking Kibale N.P in a rainy forest rich in birds, Birding in Kibale forest for the Green breated Pitta, starts very early before day break – continue to trek the famous chimpanzees in the rainy forest. Have lunc break and continue Birding species like the native Great blue Turaco, joyful greenbul, redheaded bluebill, brown illadopsis, red chested owlet, olive long tailed cuckoo, the superb black bee – eater as we bird out towards the edge of the forest. Overnight in Isunga lodge

Day 5: -  Crater Lakes Exploration - Transfer out to Queen Elizabeth National Park,

With breakfast at leisure, transfer through the crater areas with an eve targeting, the boat cruise and night jars – sabines spinetails, honey guide greenbulls, Giant kingfishers, ross’s turaco all in the environs of the forest can be viewed on a lucky day a lot of birds here too. Drive further south wards with the Rwenzori ranges (Longest in Africa) in View or Drive through the Crater lakes in the Hills through! Overnight in Pumba safari cottages

Day 6: - Birding game-drive in Queen Elizabeth National Park & boat-cruise in afternoon

Explore Queen Elizabeth National Park in the cool morning with keen birding and game viewing. We do an early game drive that exposes us to diverse animals, Big 5 members Elephants, Buffalos, big cats- Lions, Leopards more times in the evening, warthogs, Hunchback carnivals like Hyenas and many more species can be spotted along the Circuits. There is a rich bird life especially our version of storks in the wetland spots as we reach the Flamingoes in the salt lakes. At 3 pm you go for the 2hrs Boat cruise on the famous Kazinga channel, a 36kms linking Lake George - Lake Edward. Here you see land and water Adapted Hippopotamuses Yawning, the National Geographical society killing machine the Nile crocodile gaping along the Banks and Savannah version of Pigs the Warthog- Pumba of the award winning Lion King are a hallmark sign in this Animal home. With your Binoculars along the peninsula you have a magnificent view of Birds and animals like the ever playing African Elephants in Waters - overnight at Pumba safari cottages

Day 7: - Full Day Queen Elizabeth Ishasha southern sector,

Target through Ishasha for the  savannah birds, the top vulture of the region Lappet faced vulture, try the Wryneck and Africa`s most spirited eagle the Marshal eagle, larks, a try to check on the rare cassin’s flycatcher on River ishasha. Overnight Topi Lodge Ishasha

Day 8: - Buhoma- birding in Bwindi and afternoon transfer to Ruhija via “the neck” birding in Bwindi forest, as we start to ascend up to our possible 2600 M above sea level through the impenetrable forest for the, black bee eater, african swees, the rare motacila clara, brown illadopsis, black billed weaver stop over at the neck for trying out the rare Cassin grey flycatcher, Dusky blue flycatcher, try the Shinning blue kingfisher. The chance for the Newmanns warbler, a member of the Uganda top ten, willards sooty boubou, oriole finch, chapins flycatcher, and the ground thrushes bar tailed trogon and a night in Bwindi as we prepair for the Highland swamp. Overnight in Trekkers Tavern Lodge

Day 9: - Optional Gorilla trekking Ruhija - afternoon birding in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

This morning we trek the gorillas in the impenetrable forest. Afterwards we drive descending through the impenetrable forest for the dusky crimson wings, African swees, the rare mountain wagtail and black billed weaver as we enjoy a relaxed yet profitable birding in Bwindi on our favorite trail – Overnight in Broadbill forest camp

Day 10: - Bird Watching Mubwindi swamp expedition

With our parked lunch head out after the Ruhija research station to pick our guards since the Forest is alive with Elephants, we need some escorts, birding along will lead us to grip on to some of the forest endemics the hike could get you to a point of over 2650 meters above sea level with the Mist where the Gorillas leave in Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. As we check out some soaring buzzards, flocks of stuhlmanns starlings with their aerial displays, We could assemble to head for the Mubwindi swamp for some of the Albertine endemics aiming to grip on the African green broadbill, grauer’s rush warbler Frasers eagle owl, black billed turaco, Rwenzori batis, white browed crombec, tullbergs woodpecker, Dusky crimsonwing, blue headed sunbird, This Impenetrable Forest is full flora and fauna, birds, butterfly and plant species plus mammals like the little bohms squirrel, forest hogs, forest Elephants, Statungas, Duikers super and the best of nature’s forest sounds. Dinner and overnight at Bunyonyi Eco resort

Day 11: - Transfer to Entebbe – Departure flight,

Bird lake bunyonyi and Drive back to Entebbe for your flight or we can arrange an extra night in Entebbe. If flying this day, plan late evening flight

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